Module Description

This module implements XEP-0016: Privacy Lists. This extension allows user to block IQs, messages, presences, or all, based on JIDs, subscription, and roster groups.


  • backend (atom, default: mnesia): Storage backend. Currently supported are mnesia, odbc and riak.

Example Configuration

{mod_privacy, []},


If you'd like to learn more about metrics in MongooseIM, please visit MongooseIM metrics page.

Name Type Description (when it gets incremented)
[global, backends, mod_privacy, get_privacy_list] histogram Time it takes to retrieve a specific privacy list from a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, get_list_names] histogram Time it takes to fetch names of user's privacy lists from a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, get_default_list] histogram Time it takes to get a default privacy list for a user from a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, set_default_list] histogram Time it takes to set a default list's name for a user in a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, forget_default_list*] histogram Time it takes to remove default list's name for a user in a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, remove_privacy_list*] histogram Time it takes to delete a privacy list from a DB.
[global, backends, mod_privacy, replace_privacy_lis*t] histogram Time it takes to update (replace) a privacy list in a DB.